Simple Ways Anyone Can Make Money

Although I gave up believing in Get Rich Quick schemes when I was a kid, I've always believed some people luck into unusual opportunities. There was the guy I met at a Christmas party who made $50,000 because his uncle tipped him off. There was the girl who picked up a few thousand dollars on a scratch off card. My boss at my last job flipped houses on the side after he got financing. The list goes on. People make money on the side in a million different ways. So why can't I? Hey, you just need to keep an eye out for opportunity.

Does the Lack of Privacy on the Internet Cost Us Money?

How much does your loss of
privacy cost you today?
The Internet wasn't designed to protect anyone's privacy. Back when the founders of network technology were assembling the first cables between computers they were focused on breaking down walls, not building them. Bridging the gap between two disconnected computers never seemed like an attack on privacy. And yet like water seeping over the edge of a dam the first connection between computers was an early warning sign that our privacy was about to slip away. It's not the fault of Vint Cerf and his co-workers that their creation became so big and threatening.

How to Save Money on Your Electric Bill

Solar panels on houses do nothing for
people living in apartments.
It may sound crazy but when you're finally tired of paying outrageous electric bills you'll start looking for ways to save on energy around the home. I know what you're thinking because you see the picture of the house with solar panels: this guy doesn't have any ideas I can use. But I live in an apartment. I won't be installing solar panels on my roof this year, you can count on that! Read on and I promise I'll share all the ideas I've thought of to save money on electricity. Maybe you'll find a cool idea to help you.

Life Would Be Simpler without Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton lives behind a veil of lies and secrecy.
November is almost here and we are still trapped in the nightmarish politics of the 2016 Presidential election.  I keep hoping I will wake up to a world where neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton are running for office.  But every day the waking nightmare continues.  This election is really depressing.  But I cannot ignore it.  None of us can afford to ignore this election.  We all need to vote and I think I have finally seen a way through to a more moderate US government.